Cabinet approves DNA Technology Regulation Bill, 2018.
Cabinet has approved DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2018. The primary intended purpose of the Bill is for expanding application of DNA based forensic technologies to support and strengthen the justice delivery system of the country. By providing for the mandatory accreditation and regulation of DNA laboratories, the Bill seeks to ensure that the proposed expanded use of this technology in the country.
There is also the assurance that the DNA test results are reliable and the data remains protected. The Bill's provision will enable cross matching between persons who have been reported missing and unidentified dead bodies found in various parts of the country.
Cabinet has also approved umbrella schemes for Relief and Rehabilitation of Migrants and Repatriates. Cabinet has given its approval for continuation of eight existing schemes of Home Ministry up to March 2020 for relief and rehabilitation of migrants and repatriates. The financial implication for this purpose is 3183 crore rupees for the perios 2017-18 to 2019-20 (Source: News on Air)
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